Friday, May 17, 2013

Screencast Reflection

     I think I did pretty well on this project. It was difficult and I think I could've done better but I think I did pretty well for the time given. Yes, I think the audience will be able to perform the tasks I showed them because it was short and detailed. I tried to show every step needed and described each with the best of my ability. The easy part of this project was saying the introduction and closing. What was difficult was talking and doing a screencast at the same time. I could use this tool in the future if I ever needed to show someone how lives far away how to do something they don't know how to do. I could also just use it to simply share my knowledge to the outside world. I am glad we did this project because it taught me something new that could be useful in the future.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

5 Jobs - Comparing US wages with Michigan wages

1. Physician - US: $190,060 MI: $174,610
2. Health Diagnosing and Treating Practitioners - US: $91,890 MI: $80,070
3. Pediatrician - US: $167,640 MI: $152,670
4. Chiropractors - US: $79,550 MI: $69,530
5. Optometrists - US: $109,810 MI: $100,410

For all the jobs that I researched, the wages are less in Michigan than the US average. Even after comparing, I still want to be a physician or go into the medical field somehow. I want to recieve my education from the University of Michigan and then decide where I want to go to work. This activity helped me focus on where I want to do my job so I can receive the largest salary.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emerging Technology, Part 1

Light-Field Photography
Heli Patel Hour 4
     This article is about new cameras that are able to focus an image the way you want it to be after the picture was taken. The cameras do this by capturing not only the light but also what angles the light is coming from. These cameras were available before, but now they are more affordable. Ren Ng, founder of Lytro, made this possible by using low-cost plastic film instead of multiple lens, which is what light-field cameras used before. When using this camera, the user can choose where they want the focus to be after taking the picture. This is a very useful tool that expands the range of things one can do after taking a picture. Ng stated,"In the future, all cameras will be light-field based". Right now, this team is trying to invent a video camera that can do the same.
     Just like how Ng stated, I also think that future cameras will be based off of light-field. I think this way because now that they have become more affordable, people will start noticing them more and the usage of them will increase gradually. I was most surprised by the fact that we can change the focus of a picture after taking the original picture. This can make a very big difference on what the picture will look like after it is altered.
2009 Emerging Technology
     One thing that was found in 2009 that we use a lot now is Siri. Almost all Apple products have this program. Siri gives responses to questions asked by the user. The program understands what the user is saying and answers using its resources. Currently in 2013, almost everyone knows what Siri is, proving that this invention carried on and has now become very popular.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Heli Patel Hour 4
1. My mom works at Bedford Inn.
2. Her position is the Manager.
3. Things that she has to do over the day are over-see the workers, check to see if things are going right, and help out if help is needed.
4. She needed at least an High School Diploma to do this job.
5. My mom enjoys going to work everyday.

1. My dad also works at the Bedford Inn.
2. His position is also the Manager.
3. My dad's daily tasks are similar to my moms but his also include hiring employees, paying bills and salaries, and doing more of the important things.
4. My dad needed an High School Diploma and Apprenticeship to do this job.
5. My dad looks forward to going to work every morning and love's his job.