Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Heli Patel Hour 4
1. My mom works at Bedford Inn.
2. Her position is the Manager.
3. Things that she has to do over the day are over-see the workers, check to see if things are going right, and help out if help is needed.
4. She needed at least an High School Diploma to do this job.
5. My mom enjoys going to work everyday.

1. My dad also works at the Bedford Inn.
2. His position is also the Manager.
3. My dad's daily tasks are similar to my moms but his also include hiring employees, paying bills and salaries, and doing more of the important things.
4. My dad needed an High School Diploma and Apprenticeship to do this job.
5. My dad looks forward to going to work every morning and love's his job.

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